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Dental Crown

6 Common Dental Crown Problems & How To Avoid Them

A dental crown can restore the normal size and shape of your natural teeth, make your tooth stronger, and improve your smile and confidence. Crowns can be used to attach bridges, protect a weak tooth, restore a broken tooth, cover an implant, or cover a discolored or badly shaped tooth. They do, however, still require daily oral care just like your natural teeth.

Common Problems

Dental crowns can last between five and fifteen years, but just like your natural teeth they can develop problems. There are six common problems that can develop with dental crowns:

  • Discomfort or sensitivity: It’s normal to have a little discomfort immediately following the placement of your crown, but it should go away after a few days. If you experience hot and cold sensitivity, your dentist may recommend a toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
  • Chips: It is possible to chip your porcelain crown. If this happens, it can be temporarily repaired with composite resin, but it will likely need to be replaced.
  • Loosening: Your crown can become loose if the cement washes out from under it. Once it becomes loose, it can let bacteria in that will lead to tooth decay.
  • Falling off: Your crown can fall off if the tooth underneath it is decaying or if the cement underneath it washes away. If it does come off, clean the crown and the front of the tooth and replace it temporarily using dental adhesive or temporary tooth cement. Contact your dentist immediately.
  • Allergic Reaction: Crowns are made of porcelain and metals. If you are allergic to any of these materials you could have an allergic reaction. This is very rare.
  • Dark line: You may notice a dark line on the crown next to the gumline. This is the metal of the crown showing through. This is considered normal, but it is not cosmetically appealing. 

Care of Crowns

Your dental crowns don’t require any special care, just regular brushing and flossing. Make sure you avoid chewing ice, grinding or clenching your teeth, opening packages with your teeth, and biting your fingernails to prevent damage. Also, make sure to maintain good oral hygiene daily and see your dentist for regular check ups.

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